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  • Writer's pictureMira Arnold

The surprisingly flexible effect of eating Amanita muscaria

We are repeatedly asked how it can be that fly agaric produces such contradictory effects when microdosed. It does indeed sound surprising at first that microdosers should jump out of bed in the morning and fall asleep blissfully in the evening. On closer inspection, however, this makes perfect sense. Let's look together at the background to the adaptable effect of taking fly agaric.

Energizing in the morning

We particularly love this property of microdosing. Even if the night is a little too short, you get out of bed in the morning. The good mood is already awake and while mixing our morning microdose with freshly ground Amanita muscaria powder and half a lime, we are already making plans for the day in our minds. Somehow it seems to happen all by itself, our brain puts the tasks in a sensible order and we really look forward to getting them done.

The surprisingly flexible effect of eating Amanita muscaria

Procrastination is a thing of the past: Hello ticked off to-do list

Do you know how there are things that you just put off forever and don't feel like doing them at all? We do too - or rather, we KNEW it! Because our little helper called the fly agaric now gives us a friendly but firm kick up the backside and "sends" us on these unloved tasks too. And all of a sudden they are much easier than we thought they would be and they are done in no time at all - what a feeling of elation!

Now you even have time to devote to your hobby, because suddenly you're bursting with creativity and new ideas. Or you've been so busy that the toadstool tells us: "You know what babe, take a break and treat yourself to something nice!" Yes, this wise healer does that too. He works with us to ensure that we and our souls don't miss out in everyday life. That's why you should definitely take a little time out every now and then and go for a walk, meditate or visit the sauna.

Balance out food intolerances before lunch

If you do not tolerate certain foods particularly well, you may be able to overcome this with fly agaric microdosing. Some experience reports show that taking it before lunch leads to significantly less difficulty digesting onions, garlic or cabbage. This regulating effect of eating Amanita Muscaria dose is most effective when consumed about 30-60 minutes before a meal.

Balance out food intolerances with Amanita muscaria

Incidentally, even the most common form of intake, i.e. one microdose in the morning and one in the evening, has a very positive effect on our gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the gentle detoxification and the anti-parasite and anti-inflammatory effect of the clever little mushroom. Microdosing also reduces cravings for overly unhealthy foods, such as sweet and fatty foods. And coffee, nicotine and alcohol are suddenly no longer consumed in the usual quantities. By the way, you often get rid of unwanted love handles as well. 

All in all, a very welcome development, isn't it? Because as we all know, the source of health is in the gut. So it's quite clear that we feel better all round when everything is in balance in this important organ. 

Amanita muscaria sings you a lullaby

Well, and in the evening, the fly agaric really shows what it can do to support us. It helps us to switch off and relax so that we can fall asleep at the end of the day. With microdosing, most people not only do this faster than they were used to, but they also sleep more deeply and therefore more restfully. Waking up at night is a thing of the past, so body and mind regenerate better than they have since childhood.

Amanita muscaria sings you a lullaby

Can you see how the circle closes?

Let's summarize: So we started the morning with a smile on our faces, quickly and effectively completed everything we had in mind - maybe even a little more. Then we were allowed to do something for our minds and souls by being creative, relaxing for a while or cultivating friendships. We digested our now quite healthy and balanced meals very well and even realized that we are half a pound lighter than the day before yesterday! What a great day! Are you still surprised that Amanita muscaria always seems to give you exactly what you need, depending on the time of day?

The secret behind the effect of eating Amanita muscaria

Now it's no longer a secret at all, but actually quite obvious why the fly agaric is a true multi-tool: if you are happy and satisfied with your life and carry little or no ballast around with you, you can also relax and fall into your well-deserved sleep. If we are at peace with ourselves and our environment, we can simply put our thoughts to rest at night. And with a healthy environment in our digestive system, we can say goodbye to bloating and cramps and enjoy better overall health.

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