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  • Writer's pictureMira Arnold

Effect or side effect? How can I correctly classify the response to Amanita Muscaria microdosing?

We are addressing this important question today, as it often determines the verdict: is the fly agaric "top or flop"? Only microdosers who can correctly classify the effects of fly agaric microdosing will also know whether it is an effect or a side effect and how they should proceed.

Is initial aggravation really bad?

You may have heard the term initial aggravation before. It refers to the increased occurrence of one or more symptoms of an illness or health problem at the start of a new form of therapy. In this case, the therapy can consist of certain exercises for joints, ligaments and the like, for example, but the phenomenon of initial aggravation usually refers to the intake of medication. Although the pharmaceutical industry's medicines are primarily to be mentioned here when it comes to the frequency of initial aggravation, herbal remedies can also trigger an increase in the respective symptoms at the beginning of the intake.

It is essential to listen carefully to yourself and your body and, depending on the severity of the pain you are experiencing or other problems, to consult a doctor. Of course, no one should have to endure unbearable pain in order to become healthier in the end. However, the largest study on fly agaric microdosing by Baba Masha has shown that only a very small proportion of its thousands of volunteers experienced such an initial aggravation that they decided to discontinue microdosing. A very short time after stopping the intake, these participants felt as good or as bad as they did before they started taking the fly agaric, with no further after-effects.

Around ¼ to ⅓ of the many other microdosers also experienced an initial worsening, depending on their initial problem. In the vast majority of cases, this only occurred in the first few days of microdosing and disappeared in almost all of them after 14 days. After that at the latest, there was a very clear improvement in all their symptoms.

Side effect of amanita muscaria microdosing

Detoxification in full swing - unpleasant but helpful

The second factor that could quickly keep some beginners away from fly agarics is the strong detoxifying effect they have on our bodies. This is because the accompanying symptoms can be very unpleasant, depending on the exposure to toxins. The main symptoms can be nausea and diarrhea, headaches, exhaustion, sleep problems and acne. These were at least the symptoms most frequently mentioned by Dr. Masha ́s study participants - although not all of them noticed anything of the detoxification process. Only a handful of test subjects were so nauseous that they stopped the project.  

The phase of this deep body cleansing lasts between 10 days and a maximum of three weeks. Afterwards - and this can be said without exaggeration - our body has undergone an extremely intensive spring cleanse and this can be felt on various levels. Digestion is optimized, you have got rid of parasites, your skin becomes more beautiful and you simply feel better all round, fitter and full of energy!

Effect or side effect? Amanita muscaria microdosing

Caution with existing liver and kidney problems!

If you have a diagnosed liver or kidney disease, you should consult your family doctor or alternative practitioner before starting the fly agaric microdosing. Existing liver damage in particular is a clear contraindication to the consumption of Amanita muscaria until the matter has been clarified by a specialist. As this was also communicated in detail to Masha's study participants before the start of the project, there were virtually no reports of any problems with the liver, kidneys or pancreas as a result of microdosing. *

Conclusion to "Effect or side effect? Responses to Amanita muscaria"

It goes without saying that we are far from trivializing both the initial aggravation and the detoxification symptoms. However, we also believe that the positive effects of the fly agaric far outweigh any "side effects" that may occur at the beginning of the intake. Perhaps it is worth gritting your teeth for a few days and getting through this unpleasant phase in order to continue the healing process in a good mood? 

Even people who fortunately do not have to deal with serious illnesses, psychological stress or sleep problems can benefit enormously from microdosing fly agaric.

The detoxification at cellular level alone is worth its weight in gold. But the optimization of sleep, the noticeable increase in energy, creativity and the ability to concentrate are also a big plus. And for anyone who values being able to hear their inner voice again and pay better attention to themselves and their needs, the fly agaric is the best companion you could wish for!

And now that you are more familiar with the answer to the quastion effect and side effect and know how to classify the response to Amanita Muscaria microdosing correctly, we would like to conclude by saying: Good luck on your journey with this universal natural healer! 

* In the book "Unlocking the power of Amanita Muscaria Microdosing: A Masterclass" we explain in detail how the fly agaric works and what to pay particular attention to in the case of certain pre-existing conditions. 


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