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Image by Filip Zrnzević

Testimonials, Blog & News by MamaMuscaria

It is extremely important to us to provide you with exciting and informative articles on a regular basis! Of course - how could it be otherwise - it is primarily about eating Amanita Muscaria and the effects and possibilities of fly agaric microdosing! 

You can look forward to several blog articles per month that will give you an even deeper insight into the benefits and sometimes very surprising information about the magical medicinal mushroom Amanita muscaria! You can also subscribe to our newsletter here to make sure you don't miss any more news! 


Wow!!! This page is really something! Would you have thought that taking Amanita Muscaria microdoses could bring a person “back from the dead” after just a few days? No? Neither did we, to be honest! But Monique explains to us in a detailed interview how the fly agaric helped her to do just that! Amazing...!

For many people, it sounds confusing at first when you tell them: “Eating Amanita Muscaria has improved my life!” Of course, who doesn't first think of the admonishing words of parents and grandparents: “The mushroom is poisonous, you mustn't touch it under any circumstances!” Of course, from today's perspective, we forgive them because they couldn't have known any better! The fly agaric, also known as Amanita Muscaria, was on the red list of the most poisonous plants for several decades - in the meantime, however, pioneers such as Dr. Masha M.D. and other researchers have fortunately been able to shed some light on the subject! Fly agarics as a medicine are by no means unknown to mankind - quite the opposite!


For hundreds, no - thousands of years, various peoples on our planet have trusted the knowledge of their medicine men and herbalists and eaten fly agarics for mental and physical healing!  Unfortunately, over the centuries - and especially in the last 100 years - we have almost completely lost this trust and with it our innate connection to nature!

Why do you think that is? Please be completely honest... Could it have something to do with the media world and the blind belief in the “gods in white” that has only existed for a few decades? But the fundamental question behind it is a completely different one! Namely: “When exactly and, more importantly, why did we lose our faith and trust in natural remedies”? If this question also concerns you and you feel that you would like to return to the origin and the magical power of nature instead, you are absolutely right here!

Zubereitung getrockneter Amanita Muscaria zu Fliegenpilz Pulver und Tinktur
Junger Fliegenpilz im Wald

It is extremely important to us to provide you with exciting and informative articles on a regular basis! Of course - how could it be otherwise - it is primarily about eating fly agaric and the effects and possibilities of Amanita Muscaria microdosing! 

You can look forward to several blog articles per month that will give you an even deeper insight into the benefits and sometimes very surprising information about the magical medicinal mushroom Amanita Muscaria! You are also welcome to subscribe to our newsletter here so that you don't miss any more news! 


However, in some of our blog posts we also delve very deeply into the true meaning and magic of the fly agaric. We dare to dream, à la: What if...? and would like to share this with you! Because we are convinced that Amanita Muscaria has so much more in store for us than just deep sleep and stress reduction... If you feel the same way, we would be delighted if you subscribed to our newsletter or visited our blog regularly! Thank you!


If you want to stay informed about the latest developments in the field of Amanita Muscaria and natural remedies in general, then you've come to the right place!

As soon as we come across interesting information about medicinal plants and, of course, Amanita Muscaria in particular, we will publish it on this page! 


We are also happy to keep you up to date on interesting online congresses or helpful seminars or events organized by shamans who work primarily with the fly agaric! 



As you probably already know from our book “Unlocking the Power of Amanita Muscaria”, there are already a few research teams working on the positive effects of Amanita muscaria on cancer cells. This is our particular focus, because cancer really is a terrible disease that we would like to help fight. So if we find out anything interesting - especially in the field of cancer research - we will pass this news on to you immediately!

Don't give up, because hope and positive thinking are an essential part of any healing process! And as Paracelsus said well over 500 years ago: There is a cure for every disease! In this case, perhaps a medicinal mushroom...?  There are at least a few user reports from Amanita muscaria users that support the researchers' findings. 


In any case, the fly agaric is very effective in helping you to give up unhealthy habits such as drinking too much coffee, smoking cigarettes or regular alcohol consumption. And that alone brings huge benefits to your health - both physical and mental! The king of medicinal mushrooms naturally also supports the recovery of other, sometimes even undiscovered diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, parasite infestations or even cancer!

Fliegenpilze wachsen aus einem buch über altes Heilwissen
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